Implant Surgical Guide

Production Process & Features

  • 01

    Production of surgical guide with oral data and CT data

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    Accurate and convenient surgery reduces treatment time and surgical fatigue

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    Reasonable cost proposal with guide PKG configuration

  • 04

    If you have a printer, we provide a surgical plan and guide STL

Flipper & Digital Dentures

Flipper & Tempo Dentures with 3D Printer

Provides wireless flipper using flexible resin and digital dentures are made from special resins

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Guidance production using oral scan and temporary denture production Custom, temporary prosthetics, and final prostheses reflecting the diameter of the temporary dentures to reduce the number of patient visits , simplify the treatment process

· Anticipating the final prosthesis and providing guidance through precise diagnosis of the patient's condition with CT to suggest a more stable placement position

· After surgery, the use of digital dentures stabilizes the patient's height

· Custom + temporary prosthesis + final prosthesis production with + the template diameter you are using

· Less occlusal adjustment and increased patient satisfaction

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